Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Babies with high risk factors such as preterm birth, multiple pregnancy, mother having diabetes, brain and other organ damage caused by difficult birth are taken into advanced care in neonatal intensive care units to make a healthy start to life.

Mothers waiting for the moment when their baby will be healthy and discharged will be waiting for a good news day after day at the door of the intensive care unit. At this point, real information should be communicated to the family and nothing about the baby's condition should be kept. In order for the process to proceed in a healthy way, families also need to be patient and understanding. Besides this, the family should be able to see their baby easily at certain times of the day and meet their needs. They should know that he/she
is under 24/7 observation in a compassionate environment.

Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit provides the necessary support for all babies in need of intensive care. In the light of the current information, it provides the necessary resources in informing and educating the families and bringing the babies back to their families in a short time with its modern medical equipment.
In our hospital, the opinion of “providing quality life chances to mother and newborn’ was taken as the basis. Basic neonatal health service within the principles of "Baby Friendly Hospital" containing quality service standardization such as birth under appropriate conditions, protection from hypothermia, early and frequent breast feeding and breastfeeding counseling, navel and eye care, Vitamin K 1 mg. i.m implementation and screening tests have been achieved.

Our Neonatal Service References;


  • Appropriate neonatal resuscitation with child health doctor at each birth
  • Prevention of hypothermia in the baby
  • In the context of Baby-Friendly Hospital principles, the importance of breast milk and the baby's start to receive breast milk as soon as possible
  • Maternal education, breastfeeding support and breastfeeding education
  • Discharge training; bath, umbilical care, information about common problems
  • Screening tests (TANDEM MS)
  • As the neonatal intensive care team, we wish that all parents will embrace their babies in good health.

As the neonatal intensive care team, we wish that all parents will embrace their babies in good health.